Welcome to my Health Coaching page!

I’m glad you’re here. You are either new to health coaching, heard the new buzz phrase, and wanted to learn more, or are familiar with health coaching and are curious to know more about what I offer. Both are great!

For people who are new to health coaching, a health coach is a professional who works with you to overcome obstacles interfering with your health-related goals. For example, you want to start eating more home-cooked meals, but find yourself eating out more than you intended and are feeling quite frustrated with yourself, maybe even to the point of convincing yourself you can’t make the change. I can work with you to discover what is getting in your way and why you keep doing the things you want to stop doing. I work with you to develop goals and strategies to overcome old habits and replace them with new, sustainable habits. The end goal, once we are done working together, is for you to be able to continue the new habits long-term without help!

Health Coaches assist people who need just a little help in integrating new, healthier lifestyle and dietary habits.

For people who are familiar with health coaching and want to know more about me, here is a snapshot of my training. I graduated from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) as a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. I completed continuing education with IIN in both Gut Health and Emotional Eating Psychology. My personal interest is helping people overcome undesirable eating habits, which can range from getting up in the middle of the night for a quick snack to skipping two out of your three meals and living off of coffee and donuts. I have a particular passion surrounding cravings and helping people replace unhelpful cravings with more helpful eating or lifestyle habits. I am willing to work with a wide range of potential clients interested in achieving healthier lifestyle and dietary habits, so reach out and schedule a free 30-minute Discovery Call to see if I can help you. In addition to getting to know each other, we will go over what type of sessions I offer and what might be the best fit for you.

To schedule an appointment with me, please press the Work with Me button on the top right corner of the page. Feel free to fill out the Contact Me form for any questions or simply email rachel@oldwayswellness.com. I look forward to meeting you!

My Health Coaching approach incorporates the following principles:

  • There is no such thing as one size fits all. Everyone has their own unique eating journey. I tailor my approach to your specific situation, taking into account your experiences, perceptions, and challenges.

  • How you do one thing is how you do everything. Your eating habits are often inextricably linked to the rest of your life. Areas that might come into play during our sessions include your job, home environment, hobbies, social life, cultural background, and your relationship with yourself.

  • You have all the answers – you just need help to discover this. With my help, you create the design of the coaching sessions, determine the goals, and do the work. My aim is to empower you to become confident and independent while pursuing your dreams.

  • The action steps decided between us will be designed around the idea of sustainable change. Ultimately, the goal is to help you develop the skills you need to continue making healthful changes beyond the coaching sessions. The focus of the program is to help you slowly build self-reliance, confidence, and belief in your own abilities.